I've Spent 3 Hours on Bloggiesta so far and here is what I accomplished:
1) Completed challenges 1 and 2
2) Contacted Capstone Books to request books for review
3)visited some blogs and said hello for Follow Friday
4)Sorted my ALA Arcs by release dates
5) Added pages to my Blog: Review Policy, 2011 Challenges
6)Updated Blog Buttons
Now I'm taking a break for lunch and reading!
With all of us spending a lot of computer time this weekend I really suggest a stretch break. As a Massage therapist I work on a lot of computer related injuries, to prevent that here are some simple stretches:
IF your chair is stable do these while seated:
1) push away from your computer desk
2) keep your feet firmly planted on the floor
3)Place your palms on your thighs.
4) Gently walk your hands down your legs as far past you knees as comfortable
5)Really let your stomach relax on your legs . Gently move your head left to right and up and down, while letting your arms dead hang.
6) Stay in this position 3-5 breaths slowly walk your hands back up your legs till you are completely upright. Relax and breathe for a min or so more
1) Lay on the floor or your bed. Gently bring one leg at a time up to your chest by clasping both hands around the back of one leg.
2) Do this VERY GENTLY If you have been sitting a long time your back will be tight! Just hang out and breathe gently bring the leg closer with each exhale.
3) Do the second leg and if comfortable both together.
Happy Bloggiesta everyone!


Kathleen said…
Great bloggiesta banner. Very simple but eye catching. Thanks for trying my mini-challenge. Great stretching ideas too.
Anonymous said…
Love these stretch ideas! So key for bloggiesta participants.

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