24 Hour Readathon Mini-Challenges

One Librrarians Book Reviews is hosting a book puzzle mini-challenge! Here is my puzzle for my current read:

                                                         It's pretty easy :) The Answer ?

Happy Reading all!

Mini-Challenge Time! Reading in Translation wants to know what translated book I would like to read in it's original language ( If I could!). I chose Blacksad:

This is an amazing series of noir style mysteries where all the characters are drawn as animals. If I read Spanish I would love to read this in it's original form :)


Deepali said…
I actually guessed that title :)
You've certainly started early! Keep up the momentum

Dee, from e-Volving Books[Team Puck]
TG said…
Wow, that cover is so cool! I want to read that, too! This is my first read-a-thon and I think I'm not quite in the loop about what all the mini challenges are, but I'm sure having lots of fun, anyway!
melissa @ 1lbr said…
Love your book puzzle! Thanks for participating.
Bittner said…
Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier! I was so caught up in finishing my book for book club that I didn't have a chance to check out any other blogs! But congrats on getting so much reading done! I loved Knocked Out By My Nunga Nungas!!!

In fact my answer to the book puzzle question was Dancing in my Nuddy Pants which is the next book in that series!

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