My Geeky Week: Armchair Emerald City Comic Con, Year of The Fangirl, Make Mine Marvel !



Oh to be in Seattle this weekend! ECCC is happening and i wont be there :( This is one of the cons I hope to attend one day but thanks to social media I’ll be able to get caught up on all the news through Facebook, Twitter and possibly You tube. Hashtags rule! so be sure to follow the #ECCC tweets for updates.





!!!! Much Love to Ashley for continuing to build a wonderful community for fangirls of all ages! Her Universe has dubbed 2013 Year Of The Fangirl. Visit their site today to nominate your favorite fangirls.






Guys! MARVEL Comics has been rocking my pull list lately. It’s caught me by surprise how many more Marvel instead of DC books I’ve been reading. I’ve really been conscious of my comic purchases over the last few years. It’s important that fans (especially female) don’t spend their money on books that perpetuate the stereotypes that cause us to constantly frustrate us! So here are some of the recent Marvel books I’ve been loving:  



I’m a big fan of writer Cullen Bunn so add his creativity, two kickass female characters and talented artist and you get a fangirls dream book. Misty Knight and Valkyrie are beautifully showcased in this first issue. Lots of action a bit of humor and a very solid start to a fun book.



Double Waid


These two books have me counting the days between issues. The Hulk and Daredevil are two of my favorite characters yet I hadn’t read either of the books in a long time. Waid has created wonderful new directions for these guys without sacrificing any of the rich history both of these characters carry with them. Also fans of the recent Avengers movie will love Indestructible Hulk! Its a great jump on point for new readers.






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