Review: Judge 1 & 2 by Yoshiki Tonogai



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This Manga series is both entertaining and creepy! The creepy part  is how easily it would be for these events to actually happen. Nine people wake to find themselves drugged and handcuffed with costume animal heads on their faces. There was a 10th prisoner found dead not to far from them.
A mysterious voice comes through the walls of the room they are trapped in. A voice comes through the walls telling them not to remove their masks unless they want to die as well. The voice also goes on to tell them the rules of their new world. They are told that they are all sinners and deserve punishment. The group of them must spend time together and as a group vote the others to their death. In the end only four of them will be allowed to live. So of course this sets of a whole lot of fear, manipulation and betrayal.
I found myself holding my breath through a lot of these chapters. This is a classic style mystery/ horror story that is perfect for the black and white manga format.
Cant wait to see how this story turns out.


I want to read this! I have Doubt in my tbr that I'll have to get to first before I buy it though!

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