Ladies To Fangirl Over: Princess UGG Volume 1

 Fiction State of Mind-04-01

I received a complimentary download of this book in exchange for a review.

Just when I was beginning to have Courtney Crumrin withdrawal symptoms, Ted Naifeh brings us Princess Ulga aka Princess Ugg. What stood out most to me about this series is the gorgeous art. Ted’s distinctive art style is still present but the added coloring talent of Warren Wucinich turns this graphic novel into a watercolor masterpiece.

This first  arc in the series shows us Ulga’s journey from her mountainside home to the five kingdoms in the Lowlands of her country. Ulga is keeping her promise to her mother to seek a diplomatic solution to her clans constant wars with the Frost Giants.
Ulga doesn't fit in with the other dainty princesses at school. Her kingdom of Grimmeria is harsher then the five kingdoms. Ulga’s personal strength helps her deal with the constant slights by her fellow classmates for awhile but the loneliness almost weakens her resolve until she meets a very helpful teacher.

Ulga realizes that the ultimate lesson in  diplomacy is closer than she realized, and so her quest to learn the tools for peace vs war begins.
Ted has a wonderful way of quickly bringing readers up to date on the characters and situations of his world. This allows him to then focus on the personalities and motivations of the characters thoroughly. I’m such a fan of Ulga and I’m excited to see where her story leads.

This is my 43rd book for Coyer Summer Vacation


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