A Month of Giving Thanks Day 10: Tif Talks Books









Finalized Tif Talks Books Header


If You haven't' had the pleasure of visiting Tif I hope you do today. Tif is one of those bloggers that make me grateful to have found the blogging community. She loves books, shares a lot about her life and personal experiences and she is the co founder of Armchair BEA one of my favorite yearly events.


Though I haven't met Tif in person there fundamental things I have learned about her from connecting online: She is positive and funny, Always makes the time to thank someone for a a comment or RT, Is game for new experiences( When I was looking for bloggers to read and review Batman Graphic Novels, she was the first one I though of and of course she said yes!), and she writes great reviews.

She also somehow finds the time to do great weekly memos from  her Monday Maunder to Literary Link love.


So visit today and tell her I sent you!


Tif Sweeney said…
I forgot to stop by here and say thanks too! This made my day (multiple times)!

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