Today's Star Wars 17: Age Of Republic Jango Fett

Image result for age of republic jango fett

Jango Fett has been equally important to me as Boba but for very different reasons. Like many from my generation Boba entered my life from the Star Wars Christmas Special. He was exciting, cool and dangerous and I've loved him every since. 

With the prequels we get Jango and the reveal that underneath the armor was a man of color, and we also see young Boba who is Jango's clone son, free of alteration, and growth enhancement.

The duo's story line was and continues to be a fantastic part of Attack of The Clones for me. This story is a nice snapshot of a day in the life of  a job Jango takes on with so other bounty hunters. I really loved how wonderful the art and story weaved together in this volume. Ross & Tartaglia create some awesome splash panels and atmospheric locations. A must read for Fett fans.


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