Review: The Girls Guide to Dating Zombies by Lynn Messina




Potatoworks Press



I found out about this book from the author herself. When I saw the invite to an event Lynn was hosting on goodreads,I laughed and promptly bought the e-book. The Girl’s Guide is a primer for the world that author Hattie Cross lives in. A world where the majority of the Earth’s men are dead due to a zombie virus. So in a world with an abundance of women and the remaining men extremely unattainable , what’s a girl to do? With the help of Zombaceuticals any girl can have the perfect , fully functional albeit undead boyfriend.

Hattie's book is flying off the shelves and the media coverage lands her the interview of the century: Matilda Stansfield the CEO of Zombaceuticals. As Hattie enters Matilda’s world she is star struck at first , but as her journalistic instincts kick in she discovers a dark secret at the center of Zombaceuticals success.

I really enjoyed this book! The guide was a unique twist and I enjoyed the peeks into the guide along with the main story. Hattie has a fun snarky personality yet she also is suffering from a little heartache due to her last relationship. I initially was a bit disappointed that there were no brain munching zombies but a twist in the narrative and direction of the story in the middle was exciting :) A fun read and a surprising resolution. It would be little accurate to call this Chick Lit with Zombies, but fans of the Zombie genre will find some good parts in this read to sink their teeth into :)


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