I follow a lot of blogs and have been looking to increase my own blog followship. In
my recent 25 followers contest I decided to ask all the entrants to suggest a Blog for me to check out. I also wanted to start visiting more of the blogs I follow. So I'm premiering this new feature! Every Sunday I will visit the blogs that follow me and check out
what they are up to and also pick a few blogs to subscribe too, here are my results from today's Blogday:

I visited six new  blogs today:

Denise Robbins of
I liked her site she is an author I haven't heard of before and Ive put her book Connect The Dots on my wishlist.
Denise has two adorable kitties featured on her blog also Mischief and Mayhem.:)

Tales of Whimsy
I loved this site ! The blog is crisp and clean and full of well... whimsy! I loveed her question of the day:
What quality or trait do you love that you also admire in literary characters?
I've become her follower

Princess Bookie
Cupcakes! the most beautiful pictures of cupcakes adorn this blog. Made me hungry! she has a beautiful blog and I'm following her now:)

The smutketeers are a fun group; 

I loved the aged look of the site and the sexy women in corsets! I discovered Crystal Jordan and am intrested in her work.

Literary Escapism
I really loved that she had recent reviews of three of my favorite books

The call of cthulhu lovecraft
Destined for an Early Grave Jeanine Frost
Blood and Chocolate AC Klause

also added a book she profiled to my wish list Enchanted Palettet by Brigit Zahera

I loved the variety of books on her site and the review for Tall Dark and Wolfish by Lyara Dare which is now on my wishlist

I also visited some of the many blogs I follow
The Witch Chicks had a great piece on the meaning of Mother's Day

Ellz Readz has a great giveaway for business card giveaway at

Book Faery has a lovely read template on her blog and a great idea to link contests from her site

I found and now follow A Good addiction thru book faery and entered her linger contest

So many great Bloggers out there! I'm honored to be among them and look forward to doing this agin next week :)


Ellz said…
Thanks for the mention. Great post.

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