So many wonderful things about this book! The most enjoyable was the diversity of the lead character Almira, who is Muslim. Almira and her family are honoring the holiday Ramadan by fasting from sunrise to sunset. Almira decides to strictly follow the rules and not cheat this time.

As Ramadan progresses Almira's entire world gets turned on end. First her grandparents arrive and she begins driving lessons. She becomes more and more enamored with school mate Peter despite her best friend Lisa's similar feelings for him. Almira also begins to undergo physical changes as the fasting gives her a trimmer figure and a lot more confidence.

I really commend Flux for publishing this book. this kind of Diversity is very much needed in the YA world. I really enjoyed this story and learning more about the Muslim culture. Sharif has an enjoyable narrative style i liked Almira's humor in observing her families quirks and habits and her braveness to enter into a risky relationship. A fun read with a nice message.



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