Wolf Hall Read-a-long Week 3


Here we are at Week 3! I'm a few chapters behind but I find myself struggling.
When I'm in sync with the characters Mantel's writing is a joy! I also find that it's easy to lose track of which character is talking.

I am however enjoying Mantel's version of Anne Boleyn. So lets talk writing style:

1) What do you think of Mantel's writing style?

I enjoy her writing overall, but I get confused with some of the flashbacks, and figuring out who is doing the narration.

2) Do you think we are getting an adequate picture of Anne, Henry and Catherine? Would you like more chapters from their personal perspectives or are you satisfied with the format Mantel has been using?
Happy Reading! I'll be catching up and meeting you all at Michelle's blog next week :)


BurtonReview said…
Every now and then I have to stop and re-read a sentence to see who is actually speaking/thinking, but for the most part I am following along okay.
And the story is plodding along at this point, since I've read a gazillion Tudor-ish reads I've gotten a bit bored.
As far as the depiction of the characters, that is where the "charm" is with Mantel's writing. I love how she demonizes Anne, and humanizes the ones we normally see demonized!
There is also quite a few witty remarks that make me smirk.
Julia said…
I agree about needing to reread occasionally. I'm still lagging behind, but I've noticed she doesn't continually use say Cromwell's first name, so you need to realize who "he" means sometimes.
I agree with Marie's comments. Most of the Tudor novels I have read romanticize Henry and Anne, so it refreshing to read a "demonized" version of Anne.
Hilary Mantel's character development is phenomenal. It's hard to imagine a sympathetic Cromwell (just take a look at his portrait by Holbein!), but Mantel does it.
I have to admit I wasn't much engaged by the story this past week. Will hopefully kick it in gear this week!
sawcat said…
Generally I like her writing style, but she has a habit of not identifying the speakers in stretches of dialogue, so I get a bit confused on who is participating, and who is talking when.

I think we are getting a adequate picture of Anne, Henry and Katherine, but it is more abreviated than we are used to. I find the portrayal of More more interesting, since it is more unusual than what I usually expect.

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