Fangirl Summer Kick-off Post and Schedule of Events



These lovely buttons were made for me by Justine

Fiction State of Mind-03 Fiction State of Mind-04-01


Labels can be a tricky thing. When I look back at my childhood I realize I loved a variety of things yet never identified with only one. From the spinning comic racks in my local pharmacy my father took me to every week, the yearly trips to New York for the latest Disney Film, to the hot Summer nights hiding under sheets and reading by flashlight, I have always been a fan of something. So I guess that's why I never really thought the words geek or nerd really applied to me . They were so limiting!



Flash forward to today and we see how the digital age has changed the face of fandom. Love a certain author or publisher? your just a tweet away from letting them know. Looking for Jedi? Sith? Klingons? Horror Lovers? Book Addicts? your just one #hashtag search  away from connecting with fellow fans.


The most amazing change for me has been connecting with my fellow female fans . I discovered a lot of them had embraced the terms geek and nerd as well as geek girl and fangirl. They have even managed to turn the tables on those who would call them "fakes" or "unicorns" ( geek girls like Unicorns don't exist). For me the term Fangirl was it! The one word that could completely encompass all aspects of my self under one big geeky Umbrella!

So that's what this summer is all about!

From comic books to Historical romance I have found a wonderful network of women that constantly inform and entertain me. The fundamental inspiration for this special event is the Year of the Fangirl event  hosted  by Her Universe :




All  year Ashley Eckstein will be showcasing fangirls around the world and sharing with readers of her blog and Facebook page the stories of their various passions. It’s been wonderful watching Ashley’s company grow. So I decided I wanted to emulate that community feeling on my blog. I have a variety of posts and guests joining me this Summer and some great giveaways! My goal is to celebrate all aspects of Fandom from  Romance Readers to History Buffs! Some of the bloggers will be providing posts and others will be the focus of my Spotlight Posts. I also will be doing a variety of product reviews and coverage of my Fangirl  adventures at San Diego Comic-Con.




These three designs were made for me  by the lovely Michelle






So look for the Fangirl Summer heading on all the related posts and some great giveaways!


Angela's Anxious Life said…
This looks so fun! I would be interested in participating. I am a geek... I love all things.. video games, comics, movies, tv... comic cons! You name it. Checking out her universe right now!

Angela's Anxious Life said…
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Yay! Would love to have you :)
Yay! This is going to be fun. Great post, Kai! I love the buttons Justine made. I'm going to put the Princess Leia-esque one in my sidebar. =O)

P.S. The Fangirl: Books button is missing. Thought you'd want to know.
titania86 said…
Ooooh. As a huge nerdy fangirl myself, I am looking forward to this event! I would be interested in participating if you needed more people.

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