Open Your Heart and Your Pen to IGGPPC





Fiction State of Mind-03


A year ago I discovered these wonderful ladies of the  IGGPP. They have strived to bring back the art of letter writing with a fangirl slant. Founders Emily and Leslie have created a wonderful fangirl community that I’m so grateful to be a part of.



All the graphics in this article come directly from the IGGPPC Website HERE


The heart of the club is letter writing. To qualify you register through the site during open enrollment. To date there have been 15 successful rounds of matching. Once you are matched the IGGPPC sends email info to the matched groups and they then make contact on their own.

It’s wonderfully fun to meet like minded pen pals even if you only have E-mail contact. Just a quick  FYI however, although the IGGPPC does the matching, it would be impossible for them to monitor the paired pals to insure letter swapping. I have had three partners to date and though we each sent  email introductions to each other, two of them did not follow up with me afterward. One match communicated with me several times and we swapped addresses. I sent her a fun swag pack and card from my recent convention appearance for which she thanked me profusely, but I never heard back from her.

I don't share these experiences as complaints but just as an honest sharing of my experiences. However brief the interactions I had with my matches I valued them all. I also had a lot of fun putting together goodies for a fellow fangirl. I continue to register for every round and have enjoyed talking to fellow geek girls no matter how briefly.


The second great thing about the IGGPPC is the forums and swaps! Once you sign up on the site for a pen pal you can register for the IGGPPC community. Based on your age group you are sorted into houses. I’m House Leia. You will see a variety of forums on the site for chatting and exchanges. I’ve done a postcard swap, sticker swap and my favorite so far The Tea Swap:



Each swap has a moderator who gives specific dates for shipping. I received an awesome tea package from Australia and some really great geeky postcards.

I have had a 100% success rate with the exchanges both in communication with my swap partner, and receipt of the products in a timely manner.

The next big project from the IGGPPC is Summer Camp!

Signups are coming soon HERE



I will be hosting a Jane Austen Challenge on the site for camp, so be sure to check it out!


IGGPPC has also been nominated for a Geekie award!





If you would like to help IGGPPC get to the event visit Here


Here are some stats on all the wonderful IGGLES that make the site so special! Visit them Today.



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