A Month of Giving Thanks Day 3 : Tricia of Fangirl Cantina







Today I want to spotlight Tricia of Fangirl Cantina. Tricia has a passion for all things Star Wars related and is a wonderful supporter of her fellow fangirls. She often does Fangirl spotlights  and has been a wonderful supporter this  blog and others. Due to Tricia’s recommendation I also was able to fulfill one of my blogging dreams: To interview a Star Wars Author. I was able to work with Martha Wells during the release of her book Razor’s Edge.

I also enjoy Tricia’s detailed articles for Star Wars Insider magazine. The community Tricia has created on her blog and Facebook have introduced me to a whole new generation of Star Wars fangirls. They have given me a whole new appreciation, and insight into  my favorite fandom.




Tricia is also an Author! It’s been wonderful watching her publishing experiences and very inspiring for me and my own writing journey’s. Here is the cover to her first novel:



So be sure to check the link above and tell her hello!


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