5 Authors I Want To Write Star wars Books


Yesterday I talked about the books being released under the Journey To The Force Awakens umbrella. There are a variety of writers working on these novels like YA author Claudia Gray. So I’ve been thinking about what authors I would like to see write novels in the Star wars universe:

Veronica Roth
I would love to see what characters Veronica would like to write about  or what new characters she would introduce into the Galaxy Far Far Away. I think she would do a great job with the character Rey, from The Force Awakens.

Rachel Renee Russell
I love Rachel’s sense of humor! I think she would write a stellar R2 D2 adventure. I would love to see what she thinks R2 might be thinking  in that cute little head of his.

Tom Angleberger
Though Tom has written a wonderful series about Star wars origami and how it impacts a group of middle graders, I would love to see him write a short story or novel with some of the classic cast.
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Marissa Meyer
Marissa is a huge Star Wars fan. She actually did a signing at Comic-Con dressed as Princess Leia! I would love to see her write a Princess Leia novel. Leia has been the sole female  lead in the original trilogy for way to long. I’m sure Marissa could give Leia some buddies to hang with and send them on a grand adventure.
Ann Aguirre

Two Words: Bounty Hunters! Ann could write a fantastic  story with some of the darker elements of the Star Wars galaxy. She also would add a really great female character to the mix.

So this is my Star Wars Novel Fantasy Team! Happy Reading!


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