Armchair BEA Day 3; Beyond Books & Beyond The Blog

Friday, May 13, 2016:  Beyond the Books & Beyond the Blog

Here we are at Day 3 of Armchair BEA! once again I'm taking the description from the site as a set up for my post:

Beyond the traditional form of the novel, what are your favorite alternative forms (graphic novels, audiobooks, webcomics, etc)? Do you have any favorite works within these alternate forms? How do you think the changing format affects the reading experience? 

This is a great topic! I have been a comic book reader for a long time but it's only been in the last year that I've been reviewing comics and graphic novels on my site.

My favorite graphic novel this year marginally started as a web comic before it was collected into a GN:

I also enjoy books that come with crafts like this book that comes with all you need to build your own droids:

I've also enjoyed revisiting Little Golden Books again with their adaptations of the Star Wars movies:

I also enjoy books that have little flaps you can open with letters or other little goodies like this one:

And lastly I discovered the genre of prose novels when I read this book:

Our secondary topic, beyond the blog could focus on the ways you engage in talking about books outside of your blog. Do you participate in book clubs, take classes, meticulously maintain your goodreads profile? Let the world know!

Most of my book talk is online. I don't have friends that read as much as I do, and i don't belong to a book club. I do lots of readalongs, readathons and yearly challenges as a way to ave bookish discussions. I do have a lot of clients at work that I talk about books with and often swap books with.

I live on goodreads! I have the app on my phone and join a lot of groups that read books together. I also listen to some great bookish podcasts like Book Riot, Star Wars Bookworms and This Week In Marvel that talks about all things Marvel Comics related.

I also enjoy the Facebook groups: Book Bloggers Do It Better, Clean Out Your E-Reader and  Blog Ahead.


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