I've loved focusing on one Author this week and I finished 1 book of my tbr pile :) I hope I encouraged you to check Rachel out. I didn't get to start My Soul To Keep but look for updates soon. Also don't forget the contest!!

Here is my review for My Soul To Save:

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2) My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

"When Kaylee Cavanaugh screames,someone dies. So when teen pop star Eden croaks onstage and Kaylee doesn't wail she knows something is wron ..." Cover Blurb

The end of My Soul To Take left Kaylee reeling with revelations about her self and her family. In the beginning of My Soul To Save we see her dealing with the fallout of those events. She is now living in a rented house with her father who is overtrying in his parenting routine. She attends lessons with Harmony, Nashes mom, and also a bean sidhe, and is progressing her romantic relationship with Nash.

What started out as a fun date with Nash at the popstar Eden's concert, turns into a further education of the Netherworld earthly presence.

It seems young girls are selling ther souls for stardom .One of those girls is Addison Page, the ex of Grim Reaper and brother to Nash Tod.

I enjoyed how rachel weaved the different facets of Kaylee's life along with moving the story forward with twists and turns. Kaylee is improving control over her powers and using them in new ways. The Scenes with Todand Nash lend so welcome comic relief anstrengthen there characterization.

I don't know if rachel is planning to weave an overall theme to the series or just hve stand alone adventures like this one. The book was an enjoyable read and I'm left wanting to know more about the Netherworld

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