Review: Purple Daze by Sherry Shahan
Purple Daze is an interesting amalgam of Historical fact and prose fiction focusing on six high school students in 1965. Two of the boys Phil and Mickey go into service and we learn about there experiences through the letters of one of the girls Cheryl. I was drown to Cheryl most in the book. She has a wonderful strength and while Ziggy and Nancy can't seem to find the strength to write to the boys Cheryl is a constant bit of home and comfort to them.
Ziggy was a challenge to me . I understood her heartache, how she dealt with an unwanted pregnancy and even her depression. Her life is so full of mind numbing drugs and drinking that she makes disastrous choices. the worst being a one night stand with Cheryl's boyfriend Don.
I really enjoyed the historical bits and the way Shahan created characters that reflected the choices and opportunities of teens at the time. I did find it a little hard to connect with a few of the characters but the narrative always drew me in and made me interested to see how events would unfold. Things a left a little in the air as far as the future of these characters but that also in its own way reflects the energy of the times. Overall an enjoyable read.