Follow Friday 14- HAPPY 50TH PARAJUNKEE!

It's a great way to connect with other bloggers. Here is this weeks question:
Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?

That's difficult but i will have to say YA. When I read Graceling 2 years ago and then sometime later The Hunger Games I knew I was hooked on books portraying young men and women in all genres and situations.I've been reviewing more and more YA as time goes on. I'm excited by what's going on in the YA field.
Happy Reading and happy Follow Friday 


Jennifer_After_Dark said…
New follower,,,Happy Friday,,,I enjoy ya as well,,I read the hunger games trilogy just last month,,and loved it,,
have a great weekend..
Anonymous said…
Graceling is such a great book :)

Here's my follow friday.
Nikki said…
YA has picked up so much in the last few years! Love it!

New follower! Happy reading, friend!

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted
Kyanara_BJD said…

stopping by for the follow friday!
I do read alot of YA, I still need to read the hunger games though
have a wonderfull weekend
Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic
Marla said…
New follower here. Love your blog theme. :) There have definitely been some awesome developments in all of the genres of YA. It's even influenced my career path in such great ways. Have a great weekend.

Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter
New Follower, hopping by!

I love Graceling and The Hunger Games! Ya books rock!

Happy Hopping!
My Hop
I think this is the beginning of a great friendship!! lol I love YA and read a bunch of YA fantasy books! I LOVED LOVED Graceling and, of course, The Hunger Games!

I'm also a huge fan of dystopians! Also, I'm a new follower and lovin' what I'm seeing here so far!! :)
Howard Sherman said…
Asking me to Pick my favorite genre is like asking me to pick my favorite food; There's no way I can come up with just one answer!

Follow me back to my blog and I'll explain -

Thank G-d it's Follow Friday!

Howard Sherman
AsianCocoa said…
New Follower. I really need to read The Hunger Games! I really like your header too.
Here's my Follow Friday
Conor said…
Hunger Games is a great choice. One of my favorites. Not familiar with Graceling, but I see it pop up a lot on these lists. Will have to check it out!
Just stopping by for FF! These are two excellent book choices. Po and Katsa are my fave couple.
Happy Reading
(New Follower)

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