Moster Review-a--thon Mini-Challenge 3

For mini-challenge #3, your goal is to go through your review, needs review, or whatever else pile you may have and set up some future posts.
To be entered into the giveaways, make a post or leave a comment letting us know how many future reviews you got accomplished. You can work on this mini-challenge today, tomorrow or any day during this review-a-thon and then link up back here so you can have a chance to win a book from the Prize List.

I love advanced reviews in fact I recently had 20 posts scheduled ! It felt great but I need to get back on track!

Today I did three reviews and set them up to be automatically posted tomorrow and Thursday.

I also did my memos in advance: On my Wishlist and IMM




Anonymous said…
Wow, 20 posts scheduled? That's awesome! I schedule OMW posts in advanced as well.
Kristen said…
Wow! 20!!! That's awesome! You are doing great. I need to get some memes scheduled ahead of time.

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