Sorry so late with this! Today's topic is how Blogging has had an impact on my reading:

Last year I read 109 books. This Year 216! (so far)

My To Be Read pile went from over 200 to about 350.

So I would say blogging has positively increased my reading and my book shopping :)

There has been some stress as well. In the beginning I would take any Arc offered to me. I was so honored some one would offer. Now I'm more discriminate and make sure I don't take more than I can handle.

Recently I had a major epiphany: I don't need to review EVERY book I read! I can't tell you how much self imposed pressure that relieved!


Anonymous said…
Wow, you've read 216 books so far this year?!! That's awesome! I, too, have read more books this year than last. And my TBR has dramatically gone up as well. LOL
Wow! This is quite crazy, I'm so impressed. :)

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