NEW FEATURE: My Yoga- Week 1
If you follow me on twitter you know that my Twitter handle is @yogikai. When I joined twitter I was conflicted as to what type of name I should give myself. It was before I became a book blogger, so I wanted my name to reflect my personality.
Since I discovered Yoga over 12 years ago it has been a constant in my life. Even when I'm not practicing, the effects of yoga cross over into all areas of my life. Lately however I've been neglecting my practice. I've allowed personal struggles to keep me from something that enhances my physical and spiritual state of mind.
So since I do really well with accountability I'm starting a new weekly feature: My Yoga. Here I will chart my progress as I move towards my goal of doing yoga everyday for a year.
There are many branches to the tree of yoga and I'll be sharing some of my experiences with you as long as explaining the yoga world. I will also have reviews of yogic themed books .
Here were the highlights of my yoga this week:
Yogaworks Monday and Wednesday
I'm very lucky to have a yogaworks just a few miles from me. This week I took an amazing Therapeutic Back Class and Urban Zen: an aromatherapy enhanced yoga class with hands on adjustment and Reiki. Monday especially I found myself wondering why I would keep myself from such a wonderful experience each week, especially since I have a monthly membership!
Remaining Days: Home Practice. I'm actually a certified yoga instructor, yet I haven't taken the steps towards teaching :) So this week The majority of my practice was at home. I noticed I do best if I just do yoga right away once waking up, before other things distract me :)
I really recommend the YOGA JOURNAL website if you have ever had an interest in the yoga world.
I also bought their guide to home practice at the newsstand this week.
Favorite Pose: Child's Pose:
Celia Maciomhair