Sunday Salon : The Renewal of Spring


I arise today in the name of the Gatherer of Hope, The Bringer of Springtime, the Brightener of Seasons” Caitlin Matthews

Hello everyone! Hope this Sunday finds you relaxed and inspired. All this week I’ve been watching the change working it’s way through the world. Spring is here! I had a lot of emotional highs and lows since the beginning of the year. I really noticed a difference in my life and my mood as I let these challenges effect me. As my body started to show the effects of my negligence: tiredness, reading slumps, impatience.

Like the Earth in winter I felt my self begin to close upon itself. However the months passed , I made dietary corrections and spent more time outside in the Sun and accepted what each day brought to me.

The seasons are a gift that we often fail to notice in our daily lives. Writer Judith Berger in her book Herbal Rituals says: “Our culture operates in a linear fashion, imploring us to ignore the cyclical nature of life. We are encouraged to work at unfulfilling jobs for the sake of security and spend our leisure time recovering from or numbing ourselves to the stress created by performing too much work without soul.”

The wisdom of knowing when to rest and when to take action is important now more than ever. As we open our blinds , throw our windows wide, and clean away the energy of stagnation in our homes, we let in something priceless : Renewal. Renewal partnered with Hope and Faith can work miracles.

It’s not easy to to live in the cycle of the seasons in today’s world but taking small steps each day will lead to invaluable rewards. So turn your spring cleaning into a ritual of renewal, walk barefoot outside, hug a tree, plant something. Revel in this time of renewal :)


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