Graphic Novel Spotlight Day 6 : Something Animal by Rhodes & Dillon
I really enjoy finding independent comic book writers and artists. So when I met the creators of fanboy comics I was immediately interested in this Vampire Graphic Novel. Something Animal is a story that revisits the terror and hunger of traditional vampire mythology. Siblings Jack and Lily are leaving from a movie when the unthinkable happens. They are attacked by a strange, vicious creature. Lily is instantly killed but Jack survives,though he has an arm wound. Now through a series of pages we see a change come over Jack. He is coughing blood, experiencing strange cravings and moving through life in a grief filled daze.
This was a really cool , atmospheric read. The art guides the reader through the emotions and thought processes Jack is experiencing. Some really cool horror scenes as well as a bittersweet ending, this graphic novel is a return to the dark hopeless vein of horror stories that vampire fans will enjoy. Oh and there isn't a sparkle in sight!