REVIEW: The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower by Stephen King


 It's been interesting reading the Gunslinger. I've read a lot of Stephen King books but this is my first time reading the Dark Tower Series. After completing this first book I know one thing for certain. This is not the book I would recommend to a beginning Stephen  King reader. I would suggest Pet Semetary ( my first), The Dark Half, The Stand or even Eyes of the Dragon. The Dark Tower series is for a Stephen King fan. It is the chance to step into the past and watch the beginnings of the Master of horror.
This book is the genesis of King's personal style and an exploration of the Hero's journey through a wasteland of deserts, strange worlds, stranger creatures and quests.
There is a singular focus in the beginning chapters of this book. We meet the Gunslinger. A man walking a solitary path with one focus, to find the man in black. For a great part of the early chapters we don't even know the characters name until he is named. His name is Roland. His quest takes him through a world that has familiar strains of ours but is also completely different.
It's hard to know Roland at first. He cares for little but his journey and there is the energy of the user surrounding him. He will do what ever he needs to get what he wants.
This book really requires a sense of surrender on the readers part. It is also an opening chapter in a larger tapestry to come. I was engrossed by this read. Though there weresome things I didn't understand,I was always interested in where the narrative was going.
A lot of this book will effect each reader differently . Our opinions and belied systems will color our thoughts about Roland and his choices.
I'm looking forward to seeing what becomes of Roland in future books.


Lynn said…
I really do want to read this series but keep finding myself put off by the first book. I must just get over my hesitation and get on with it as so many people keep telling me I have to read this!
Lynn :D

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