STAR WARS READS SPOTLIGHT: Secret Of The Fortune Wookiee by Tom Angleberger

This SATURDAY October 6, 2012 IS The  First  Annual  STAR WARS READS DAY.

All this week I’ll be posting reviews of some of my favorite Star Wars books and hosting some giveaways

Visit STAR WARS.Com for more info on the event!


Origami Yoda :Book 3
Star Wars has folded itself in the fabric of almost every genre of books: Comics, Children's books, magazines. The most enjoyable aspect of Fictional Force for me has been Tom’s origami Yoda books. Centering around a group of middle grade friends and the occasional “frienemy”, each book is set up as a case file investigation the veracity of Dwight and his origami Yoda, as well as detailing the amazing changes Dwight and Yoda have caused to happen around McQuarrie Middle School.

However this time there is a Dwight shaped hole in everyone’s life.  Dwight has been suspended until the beginning of the year and has been sent to the very upscale Tippett Academy for the semester. Tommy, Kellen and the rest  of the gang are boooored until one day  Tommy’s crush Sara brings in a gift from Dwight: a small brown folded furball prone to the occasional “Mmmrrrggggg!”  The Fortune Wookiee has come to shake things up!

The group is excited by the new distraction yet they also aren't too comfortable with Sara’s interpretations, so the next day Sara introduces Han Foldo : Pilot of the Falcon and one of the best Wookiee interpreters around.

So the case files moves on! Yet disturbing rumors keep reaching the students about Dwight’s  new school and about Dwight himself. Dwight is behaving “normal” and has thrown away al his origami. The gang must find a way to solve this mystery while moving through another semester of school, which has suddenly become an “origami free” zone.

I really enjoy this series! Middle grade reads are always a different reading experience for me. As a Star Wars fan this book just brought smile after smile to my face as I turned the pages. Tom has amazing little sketches around the margins and fun jokes. Tom also catches the essence of middle grade children, what challenges they face and what they tend to focus on.

I really missed Dwight in this book, but his absence allowed Tom to really address some serious issues about the line between a different and creative child vs a learning disabled child. I’ve noticed a slight shift this book as the characters are moving forward in maturity.

This book is an excellent bridge to reading for middle grade Star wars fans, and for all of us Force loving adults!


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