Series Love Review: Scorch by Gina Damico







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So. Sometimes with a trilogy the second book can be, well “bumpy” With a debut read like the prior book in this series Croak, you are drawn in by the newness, there is even a very common ability to let any glitches slide in a first novel. With sequels however I find my self a little more alert to everything, and also I’ll admit a tendency to expect a little less than the first.

Scorch however blew me away!!! The promise in Croak is fully realized in Scorch.  From the opening pages Scorch hits the ground running an barely lets up. Lex returns to Croak with all her secrets revealed and a town divided. Many blame Lex for the actions of rogue reaper Zara and the friend group she fought so hard to create is slipping away. Even Driggs treats her strangely upon her return, the fragile romance they built prior now faces strong challenges. I felt so much for Lex in this book! She found the strength to open her heart and process some of her anger only to find herself once again struggling to fit in.

Lex however wont go down with out a fight despite having to relocate from Croak to DeMyse  a Grim city in Vegas. there were so many twists and turns this book along with casualties. I loved how Gina revved up the action and body count this time (sob). I don't know how this is all going to turn out but Lex is in kick ass mode and I’m looking forward to seeing how it all ties together. 


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