Readathon Prep! Tips for a successful Readathon
BOUT OF BOOKS 7.0 starts Monday! I really love this readathon and I usually read 8-10 books during it. That takes a little bit of preparation so I thought I would share my prep process with you.
Check Your Links !
I always double check to make sure I'm registered for Bout of Books and make sure the link opens to my blog. This is a big help to the organizers and makes sure your link is accessible for potential visitors. Also a lot of the giveaways require you to be registered so you don't want to miss out!
If you are a Blogger its a good idea to get some advanced posts for next week scheduled in order to have more reading time. I was fortunate to read a bunch of books during the 24 hour readathon a few weeks ago so all my posts for next week are scheduled. I know some bloggers do memos whose topics aren't revealed til a certain day,but any advanced posts you can do will help.
Take A Reading Break
Like an athlete before a big race, I read very little the weekend before Bout of Books. Well books anyway :) I catch up on my comic book/ Gn's and magazines. I also try to empty my DVR and clean the house. Its also a good time to stock your kitchen with snacks.