Sunday Share 1

Happy Sunday! Welcome to Sunday Share. This will be a weekly recap of my week and an opportunity for you to share something with me about your week as well :)
This week I finished 4 books:

Queen Victoria's Book of Spells Anthology
Once Upon A Gypsy Moon Memoir
That makes my total books read for 2013 up to 128
I am 29 books ahead of schedule for my goodreads challenge :)
The past few days I've only been reading comics because I want to save all my reading Mojo for :
Bout of Books
I love this readathon:) The funny thing is after two days I'm dying to read! Book addict! For Bout of Books I will be reading mostly e-books and Arc's. which will help me for this challenge:

I also want to read some books for this challenge:
I've been neglecting my Zombie TBR pile :)
While I'm knee deep in books next week my blog will be having a Tor Books spotlight week. I'll be reviewing a few of the great books Tor has given me for review.

Playing With Google:

So nook had an upgrade this week. When I first downloaded the upgrade I was realllly irritated! All my book marks were gone, I hated the new web page interface and my device kept freezing! So after a few breaths and turning my device on and off ( that always works!) I have to confess: I love GOOGLE PLAY!! AH!! So first off there is a whole new world of books, magazines, music, movies and apps to download, many of them for free.

The first big thing for me was the Marvel Comics app. I really want to buy more comics digitally but without the Kindle Fire I can't get the comixology app. So now I can buy Marvel and DC comics digitally.

I also downloaded some really cool games:

So that's what my week has been all about How about you guys? what has your week been like? Share :)


Vasilly said…
I had no idea that Nook had a new app! It's been a long time since I've used mine. What did you think of the Queen Victoria book? Enjoy your week!
I really liked it! lots of great stories, review coming this week :)
Angela's Anxious Life said…
I love this post of yours!! Especially the games!


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