Review: The Geek’s Guide to Dating by Eric Smith

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a review.


I have a confession. I’ve never had a geek to geek relationship! I’ve had some great men in my life, and learned some valuable lessons, but while I’ve had a lot in common with my previous partners there was that one part of my self that never was fulfilled: my inner geek :)
With the advent of social media the average geeks horizons have broadened. The opportunity to find a love match with someone that shares your geeky passions has increased. But how does one navigate the possible choppy waters of a geek to geek relationship? Eric Smith knows how, and in this colorful, humorous tome he shares that information with the reader.

The Dating Path
This book is mainly written from the male perspective but I learned a lot from it as a female reader. One of the unique things about this book is Eric’s having the reader identify the most dominant type of geek they are with his Geek Special Abilities List. This list was funny but true. Looking at what you love and more importantly what you may need can really help in the choice of potential partners. It should come as no surprise that I’m a book geek :)
Eric also recommends to look at the type of person you usually date and see if its working for you, if not think about changing things up.

Ready Player 1!
So now you've done a bit of soul-searching, know what interests your looking for in a partner, so next up is to keep your eyes open for someone you connect with. Eric gives great tips on how to bridge the gap from online to real life interactions , along with tips on how to set up a dating profile. My favorite part of this section is Eric’s advice on talking to women. There is the capacity for a lot of miscommunication in the awkward stages of courtship to relationship and the book gives a lot of straight forward advice on respectfully communicating with the opposite sex. A skill that is sorely needed in the world.

Smith continues from here with a step by step guide to everything from the first kiss, exclusivity and sexy times as well as the potential dreaded breakup. Eric manages to keep the info entertaining without shying away some important advice, It’s kind of like having the worlds best Big brother there for every step of your relationship, available at all hours for encouragement, a hug and possibly a Star Wars marathon. Definitely will keep this book handy for the day I enter that Undiscovered Country : a geeky relationship!


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