Men of Marvel Review: Hawkeye Vol 2: Little Hits by Fraction & AJA
This isn't your Avengers Hawkeye. Though there are some elements of the movie version of the character, Fraction and Aja make this series a hit thanks to a blend of humor and action. This volume however deals with a lot of the repercussions from Hawk’s previous actions.
There are a gang of pissed off mobsters giving him the “get out of town or die” ultimatum, A shady damsel that comes back into Clint’s life and leaves him in distress,and a scary clown hit man.
The art continues to be stunning on this series, its almost a character all it’s own. I also loved the continued addition of Kate ( also Hawkeye) to the series.
This volume however was a hit & miss experience for me. The issues worked fine as stand alone vignettes but I didn't really feel like anything really progressed forward. I get that Clint is a bit of a screw-up and immature but I feel at some point he needs to get his sh*t together!
I’m on board for future stories but I’m hopping for a little more focus from the character in the future trades .