14 Days: Novella Love





Available on Kindle Governess is currently free, Kiss is .99 cents



One of the things I love about E-readers is the free novellas! There are so many books our there and the novella is a great way to “test” an author and see if they are a good fit for you. The two novellas above were my introduction to the author Courtney Milan. The Governess Affair is the story of a young woman seeking financial recompense from the lord who took advantage of her. I was really surprised that  Milan tackled such a strong theme. It didn't take anything away from the romance and humor of the story. 

This novella also has a bonus intro into The Brothers Sinister Series:


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I was barely recovering form the awesomeness of Governess when I got a free copy of A Kiss for Midwinter. This novella takes place after the events of The Duchess War and has another heroine with a difficult problem. She is pregnant. A year passes and one of her consulting doctors comes into her life again and threatens to ruin her return to  society after a miscarriage. This is another story that really captured my heart and made me into a Courtney Milan fangirl.


Love & Decay

Episode 1 is currently free on Kindle


Guys! I’m in love with this series! Two teen girls have managed to survive the Zombie apocalypse. As the seek shelter they meet the Parkers, impossible cute and well prepared band of brothers who take Reagan and her friend under their protection. The series has intense zombie action and really engaging characters. The series has just finished its 12th episode and you can buy them in two volumes each containing six episodes each.


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Hope you try one or both of these great series.


Unknown said…
I love free novellas too! I am glad that you found some cool new authors. :)

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