Armchair BEA DAY 5: Feeding My Inner Geek With Middle Grade Series

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It’s the final day of Armchair BEA! I’ve loved the posts this week, enjoyed all the posts I commented on as a CheerReader, and the chats( I missed all but one). So thanks to everyone who visited my blog and connected with me online! I will be doing more commenting throughout the day I hope to reply back to all who commented.

Now onto today's topic! I didn't really know about the genre grouping middle grade until I entered the book blogging world. My reading world began in the children’s section of our local library. I would race down the stairs to children's area and fill my arms with treasures. After a few years I branched out and began reading from all the areas in the library.
Then  my life changed when I saw Star Wars for the first time. That was the beginning of my path to geekdom/ Fangirl life. Except for a few comic book adaptations and novelizations, there weren't a whole lot of books for children with a geeky theme.

That has changed considerably! So my inner 10 year old has been having tremendous fun with these current series:

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Happy Friday! Hope You Enjoy the last day of Armchair BEA


Kristina said…
My son loves the origami books will have to try the jedi academy books for him

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