Batman: Gotham Central by Various

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Batman’s humanity means he cannot do everything by himself. This isn't a truth that comes easy to Bruce. Part of Bruce’s drive comes from the desire for vengeance ( which is a lonely path), and another part is to protect the ordinary people who live and work in Gotham day to day.
But how would Bruce's mission effect the work of Gotham’s finest? This is what the four volume collection explores, and it does it beautifully. With stellar writing and gorgeous art this series profiles the men and women of Gotham’s Day and night shifts. Some of these cops are fiercely loyal, like Renee Montoya, others are corrupt and seemingly untouchable like Corrigan.

Batman himself is a secondary character in the series, yet even when he isn't in the scenes, his presence is felt amongst them. This is his city, a place where his eyes and ears have wide reach.
For a long time Batman reader like myself it was great to see characters like Bullock and Montoya get full storylines on their own.
This series also lays the foundation for Montoya’s experiences in the series 52.
A nice companion read to the Batman Universe, it combines the look and feel of a police procedural TV show like Law and Order ,with the grittiness of dangerous nights on the streets of Gotham. Loved It!


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