12 Days: Holiday Readathon Mini Challenge

Happy Friday!! It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since a twitter conversation lead to the creation of The Holiday Readathon! It’s still not to late to sign up for the readathon and enter to win some amazing prizes! Visit Here to sign up.

My Mini-Challenge is all about Good Will Towards Men
Between Today  and Sunday evening do one good deed to spread Holiday Cheer!
You Could:
Buy the person in line behind you a coffee or tea
Schedule a volunteer session for later in the month or next year
Donate some books to your local library.
Raid the closets and donate some clothes to Goodwill or another charity
Spread some holiday Cheer to a neighbor with cookies or a small gift!

Any gesture big or small counts. Write a blog post about your Goodwill or leave me a comment with details below. Also make sure you fill out the rafflecopter in order to qualify for the prize. Share your results on twitter as well using the hashtag #readathon and my sign on: @yogikai
Happy Reading!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Britt said…
We always o toys for tots but the past few years i make my son pick one of his present to also give to toys for tots. we want him to understand how fortunate he is and how is it the right thing to do to help the less fortunate when you can. He now loves picking out toys for the kids. It makes me feel like im doing something right as a mama.

~Britt @kalebsmome
Unknown said…
I always do a shoe box for kids at work and this year my church has a christmas tree with kids names on it and I picked 1...don't know what I'm gonna get a 7 yr girl yet lol
MAS Bookworm said…
I have donated to a organization called Red Panda Network. I am hoping to donate to Girl Up before the new year starts as well!
MAS Bookworm said…
4 Masbookworm@aol.com
Cali W. said…
Thanks for the giveaway! We always donate to Toys for Tots. <3 I think I am on #4.
Kayla said…
I really want to pay for someone's meal! I always hear about little things like that and I think it's an act that could really brighten up someone's day! kayla3194 at gmail dot com, and I'm number 66 on the linky!
jen7waters said…
Hope it's okay to leave a comment here with my entry, I'm participating using my Goodreads profile.
Okay, so I raided my closet yesterday and I now have a bag with clothes for my mother to give to a lady she knows and sees almost every day at work and whose family is in need, especially now that the cold is back. It's not exactly charity, just a small act of kindness.
Thank you for the challenge and giveaway!

#12 jen7waters on the sign up linky
carla c. on the rafflecopter

jen7waters at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Donated cans of food to a local food pantry! I'm number 5 and my email is @btskaplan@gmail.com
Katie said…
I'm planning to donate books to Goodwill before Christmas, or find a child to give books to for Christmas who might otherwise not receive any books! Love this opportunity
Daiane said…
I donated some of my clothes to charit because its chilly and its december and I was in the spirit of the holidays. I feel warm and proud inside that I am heping these charities :)
Kelvin said…
I donated some books to the local library and am planning on donating toys to they toy drive :)
mackenzie said…
I plan on suprising the person behind me on Starbucks by buying them a drink :)
Daiana said…
I am going to donate books to kids so they can educate themselves
Jen R. said…
We're going to a needy community this week, and we're going to be giving out food and helping them out!

jenelleriane at yahoo dot com , #80
Ashley G. said…
I donated two bags of clothes to a local clothing closet that gives out clothes free to those that need them. I'm #22 on the list! whollybooks1@gmail.com

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