5 Fandom Friday: My Fictional BFF’s
This feature is hosted by The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick
Today’s topic is My Fictional BFF’s. Here are my Choices:
As a former East Coast girl I think Kamala and I would have a lot to bond over. I could lure her to Manhattan for shopping days and some much needed girl chats. Love her!
Oh Elizabeth! She is my ultimate literary girl Crush. Nothing would be better than to take long walks with her followed by afternoon tea.
This pair would be subjected to numerous hugs and fawning over. I’m sure Rocket could “liberate” a ship for us to have grand adventures with.
Deryn’s ( The one with the goggles) bravery is one of the many reasons I love her. In an alternate time line I would be a crew member of her ship the Leviathan and we would have rousing adventures !
Ezra and Zare are the new faces of the Star Wars galaxy. I love the boost in racial diversity in the this series and seeing the formation of the Empire from the inside out. Really loving this series.