May The 4th Review: Padawan Pleasers from DK Books
I picked up the above two books at a DK panel at Star Wars celebration. Though I’m not the target age demographic for these books I enjoyed them both. DK excels at hiring authors that can write to a very wide demographic.
Journey Through Space
Like it’s title implies this book is a primer of sorts to major planets and personages in the Star Wars saga. From Coruscant to Mustafar the reader gets stats about the planet from population to climate.
There is also a look at the Jedi Council and some of the formidable creatures on Geonosis. Since this is a readers edition the back of the book has a great guide for parents to enhance the reading and educational aspects of the book. A really nice read and a great way to encourage younglings to read.
What Makes A Monster?
Nothing makes the words “ In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away “ more true then the creatures that populate the Star Wars Galaxy. This book is from the DK Adventures line so the text is more advanced then the readers books but still remains an all ages read. The question in the title points out that many of the creatures that have engaged in battles with our heroes often are acting on instinct. From the Wampa’s of Hoth to the sea creatures in the depth of Naboo, Bray gives us lots of facts about various creatures. I learned a lot about various creatures across the Prequels and the original trilogy. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely keep it as a reference source.
Both of these books are a great addition to your Star wars library.