My Last Book Of 2015: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

I gave up on resolutions many years ago. I prefer intentions. I also believe in spending my last day of the year performing activities I want to carry over into the new year. 

Last year I deciced to conciously pick a book to finish out my reading year. This year I picked The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin.

I chose this book with a free giftcard I received from Barnes & Noble. After spending most of 2015 reading from my own shelves and book buying bans, it felt so good to just buy a book!

I loved the cover of this book and the fact that I know nothing about it. I also have wanted to read more of Ursula's work  and I loved the small, compact binding.

I'm looking forward to diving into it. So what is going to be your last book of 2015?


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