Star Wars Memories: 6 The Empire Strikes Back
Learning about movies was very different before the Internet. I first heard about The Empire strikes back through Bantha Tracks. I then scoured every magazine I could for information. I brought the movie magazine and was blown away by all the pictures and new locations.
Then there was that close up of Han and Leia that prepared us for romance in a galaxy far far away.
Empire is often cited as the favorite move of Star Wars fans, myself included. How ever Empire succeeds because of the foundations established in Star Wars.
Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie were our family and we followed them into to an adventure that showed us the true power of the Empire, despite a successful destruction of the Empires greatest weapon.
I didn't think it was possible for my Star Wars love to increase but Empire proved me wrong. This was also the very first time I felt like Star Wars was everywhere. From drinking glasses at fast food restaurants, to bed sheets and dixie cups.
Empire was also the first movie cliffhanger that I had every experienced. There were so many unanswered questions at the end of this movie my brain was left spinning!
Empire still remains my favorite film and
I have probably watched it more than any other.