Mini-Review Bloodline by Claudia Gray

So let me just start this by saying I have zero objectivity when it comes to this book. I have been a huge fan of Claudia's  since I read her other Star Wars novel Lost Stars

As much as I loved Star Wars: The Force Awakens there were so many questions I had about Han & Leia's relationship, especially because of the sad ending of  Han Solo. In just a few pages  of this book Claudia soothed my broken heart over Han & Leia's situation in the Force Awakens. 

Bloodline shows us the role Leia has in the political landscape post Return of The Jedi, but also the personal heart of a woman who has lost so much in the battle for freedom and yet as claduia shows, still had  time for life and love.

Ah! my heart and eyes tear up just thinking of this book. This is the book Star Wars fans have wanted and deserve in this new galaxy of stories .


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