From The Dollar Bin: Sci Fi Month Edition

 So many books, so little time also applies to comic books! There are so many comics I havent read, or even knew existed. So when my local comic shop has sales I hit up the 25 cent and dollar bin boxes searching for treasures. Here are some Sci-FI comics I recently disvovered.

Space Usagi takes the fan favorite character into an outer space adventure arc. You can find collected volumes of the stories at your local library.

Space Warped is a fun parody title that pokes fun at the Star Wars movies.

God Hates Astronauts is NOT for kiddies. Its a strange story about Nasa and the Moon landing with talking animals. I'm not sure if I will finish the series, but it was a good deal so I will be interested in diving into them.

Weird Worlds is a great mini series featuring  Lobo and a lot of other epic DC characters. This series visits very strange parts of the DC galaxy and has lots of action. It was fun stepping back into Lobo's world.

Hope You check out some of those great books!


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