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Countdown To Solo: Star Wars Adventures issue 10
Creative Team
Scott, Charm, Long, Charretier, Colinet, & Stern
This issue kicks off a two part story featuring an adventure with Han and Chewie in the same era of the Solo film. For those that picked up the Free Comic Book Day issue of SW Adventures you got a prequel of sorts to this story.
Han and Chewie are being chased by Zuckuss and 4-Lom. Both the Hunter and the Hunted crash land on a planet that makes all technology fail. Han and Chewie realize it's due to an immobilizer beam an the pair deactivate it.
How could anything go wrong? looking forward to seeing how this story wraps up .
In the back up feature Tales From Wild Space Lando runs into an old flame that needs help with her son. Lando isn't initially interested until he learns his former love has one of his favorite capes and he likes the scoundrel nature of his friends son. However the young scoundrel in training lacks a lot of impulse control and the pair end up in deep peril at the end of part one of this story.
The art on this issue is stellar. I've become a huge fan of Derek Charm's art and Elsa Charretier adds her signature artistic style to her Lando back up story. A really great read.