New Reads 5/28/18

I've been really good with limiting my book spending lately but I couldnt resist a book sale at my local YMCA. I love reading paperbacks in the summertime so I was happy to find some Science Fiction classics and some other books on health. I also picked up a hardbound copy of plays by Marlowe and Shakespeare.

SOLO, A STar War Story opened this week so that means new Star Wars books!

The SOLO official guide is lots of fun , I also picked up the middle grade book Most Wanted by Rae Carson, and a middle grade story with Chewbacca.

I also found a ute litte lego book about stormtroopers, Ashley Ecksteins's beautifully illustrated inspiration book It's Your Universe, Undead Pets, Deadly Storm  a graphic novel I got for free from my local comic shop. Lot's of fun books to dive into!


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