Today's Star Wars 57: SWCT 4th Anniversary
This week Star Wars Card Trader is celebrating it's 4th anniversary! I have been with the app since the beginning and though it has shifted recently to more "pay to play" platform it IS welcoming to new players. Download the app and collect credits to chase sets and get rewards. I really suggest you take advantage of the padawan features of the app, you will get lots of free cards and learn how to trade effectively. Be sure to log in every day to get credits. I usually save a few days credits before chasing a set. That way when I find a set I really love I have the credits to chase it.
Trading is a big part of the game but it's very important to know your cards value before trading. Yes when it comes down to it they are digital images but you would be surprised at how valuable they can be.
So check the app out and if you need any trade help send me a trade request at @yogikai