Star Wars Comic A Day: Day 1: Jango Fett (2002)

Star Wars: Jango Fett (2002)
I have a Comixology subscription and I really need to take better advantage of it! So I will be reading a Star wars Comic or mini-series a day in 2020! 
First up was this book by Marz & Fowler.  This is a Legends story meaning it's not acknowledged by the new canon. However this story is in alignment with the events in episode II:Attack of The Clones.
In this story we see a young Boba waiting patiently for his father Jango to return between jobs. The fun part about this story is that it involves Zam Wessel the shape shifting bounty hunter that also has an important cameo in Episode II. I'm really feeling the need for Mando stories while anxiously awaiting Season 2 of The Mandalorian.


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