Star Wars Comic A Day: Day 7: Star Wars Volume 10

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Creators:  Gillen, Broccardo, Unzueta, GURU-eFX

This volume is really unique because it shows Han, Leia & Luke stranded on a distant moon without any way to escape,or communicate with their companion Sana. The moon they arrive on has a community that fosters hospitality and has feudal rules for disagreements.

Watching the trio react to being trapped is very interesting. Leia spends many hours in her room working on some secret plan, Luke spends some time with the community leaders daughter and Han seems to relax in the moment, sharing some real conversations with Luke and Leia. 

The second half of this arc shows Scar squadron landing on the moon after finding the Rebels location by torturing Sana. 

A very solid story arc with lots of fun moments. I still struggle with the art  of the main characters. The photo realism is kind of off putting I would prefer artistic representation.  


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