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Star Wars Comic A Day: Day 8: Mace Windu One Shot (2003)
Creators: Ostrander, Duursema, Parsons,Wayne
Having a Comixology subscription means having a lot of access to Legends comics. I really loved this story because it has a lot of Jedi cameos. This story opens with a funeral for a Master who died protecting his Clone Troopers. The conversation leads the Jedi for a deeper discussion about their presence in the Clone Wars.
The war has actually fractured parts of the order as some refuse to take the mantle of General and some even question if they are even on the right side.
I really loved the deep dive into the Jedi culture in this story including the wonderful quote "There is no death there is only The Force.
As Mace goes on a mission to meet with some conflicted Jedi he gets involved in an encounter with Ventress.
The art is spectacular and there is a somber quality about the story that fits in with the tragic events of the prequel trilogy. I'm looking forward to reading more of these Legends one-shot stories.