Star Wars Comic A Day: Day 71: The Rise Of Kylo Ren 4 (Spoilers)

Star Wars: The Rise Of Kylo Ren (2019-) #4 (of 4)
Creators: Soule, Sliney, GURU-eFX

 The final confrontation between Ben Solo and The Ren happens and the final fate of the padawans that have been trailing  Ben meet their fate. 

There is a lot to unpack here. And a lot of feelings. I feel like this series accomplished what it set out to do and it is one of the best illustrated books of the year, However personally I was really disappointed in the fate of the diverse character Voe. It's exhausting being a POC fan for many franchises, but it always feels like Star Wars is two steps forward and one step back.

Much of it is colored by the fact that I am not the biggest fan of Ren but also my brain finished this issue with the thought : Did the Black Girl really need to die? Again?? I know all the answers: it fit the story, all the padawans died, blah, blah , blah. 

I would have wished for Voe to die in any other way it went down, But it is what it is and as a whole Star Wars publishing has been one of the best places to find diverse stories but I wish just one time someone would speak up and say hey, let's NOT let the black girl die to forward the story progression of the white dude. Again.


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