Review : Poe Dameron : Free Fall by Alex Segura

I have a confession. I was EXTREMELY irritated by the offhand way ROTS made Poe a former spice runner. Not that our favorite scoundrel Han Solo didn't run spice from time to time. 

But POC have had a history of being relegated to the murderer or drug dealer roles and so though it may have been a creative way to connect Poe to a story arc needed for the film I often think but why did it have to be Poe? Freefall really made me feel at peace with Poe's past. The novel introduces us to a young Poe desperate to escape the quiet life of Yavin 4. He has a taste for adventure an itch that won't ever be appeased on his home world. 

Poe ends up being in the right cantina at the right time and overhears an opportunity for a job. He takes it but is unaware of the tangled loyalties and hard choices he will need to make. All of these combined with his growing feelings for Zorii who has a deeper connection to the groups leader. I really enjoyed reading this book. 

It is very new reader friendly but for those who dive deeper into the saga there are nice little nods to the saga as a whole. Segura has a strong sense of Poe's character and how the binds of his Father and the memory of his Mother are constantly with him. There is such a nice blend of humor action and adventure in this book.  Alex captures nuances of familial obligation, and the pain of losing a matriarch in a crucial time of a young mans life. 
 I strongly related to Poes's struggle to respect his Fathers wishes but yearn for a life of adventure. A part of Kes Dameron was broken when Shara Bey died. His reaction to that is to try to keep Poe safe, which negates the part of Shara that he inherited. Poe and Kes are a little messy but I resonated so much with the familial patterns the novel gives us. it's an enjoyable ride to witness the building blocks for the Adult Poe Dameron we all come to love in the sequel trilogy, through out this book.


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