Star Wars Book Chat Day 5: The Great Jedi Rescue

Today is the day! The High Republic Books have launched! My goal today was to pick up Light of the Jedi at my local Target drive up and my order got canceled twice!  They are sold out at all my local shops. It's great to see so much excitement for the series.

I was really happy however to get The Great Jedi Rescue in the mail. The book is young readers adaption of the first view chapters of "Light". It includes the fate of The Republic ship The Legacy Run and the Jedi that come to help the people of Hetzal Prime. 

The rest of the story involves many of the Jedi characters we will see in Phase One of the High Republic launch.
And Stickers!! My laptop is already sporting The High Republic logo and now I'm thinking of where I will put my amazing Burryaga sticker! 

This is a such a fun read and a nice primer for all the characters that will cross paths in the various books.


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